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12th scale 18th C. French Urn held by 3 female Gracies (Kit)

Each Grace has a different pose and stands on a small square base. The urn sits gently in the centre of their embrace.

The urn with Gracies can be displayed as they are, without any additional ornament. but how wonderful they would look with a cascading display of flowers. In the world of 12th scale miniatures the urns could be so many things- maybe the focus of an artists table where someone is drawing still life of the urn or maybe the urn would look spectacular finished in a stone like finish and placed at the entrance to a wonderful house. Maybe it’s the go to place for walking sticks and umbrellas? And of course the urn can be used seperate to the dancing gracies - what possibiliteis this may have!


There are 3 sizes..the smallest suitable for all projects and the largest being a statement piece.

Please note that the largest has a slightly smaller base and has been discounted to allow for this. The base has three placement holes for the feet of the Gracies but on the larger size it is slightly off placement and slightly reduced in price.


The 5 part kits are unpainted and fairly easy to assemble.



Made from lead free pewter alloy


Sizes approx.

Small 5.5cm high

Medium 6.5cm high

Large 7.5cm high



As with all my metal designs the pieces will require a little cleaning using a file and/or sandpaper. The metal is very soft so this is a simple and satifying part of the build process.

I tend to use superglue (Hafixx being my favoured choice) with a super glue activator to speed things up.


To paint the item I strongly recommend a metal primer. Spray primers are the easiest and just a light coat with give the paint something to 'key' with......then the choice is yours. I use all types of paints from acrylics to cellulose spray paints. All have their own merits and so I choose according to the finish I wish to create.

After applying my coats of paint I will always add an aging layer of raw umber acrylic (water it down and then paint and wipe off to leave the dark paint in the recesses). Aging can be very rewarding and there are many options for this. One little recommendation is to use rotten stone/pumice stone powder to add what I like to describe as "dust" to the piece. It is a powder and will always be a powder unless mixed with a binder such as glue. The powder is a soft grey and if it is brished on then off it will leave a slight dusting in the recesses of the design.

A final flourish of splatter (very subtle brown/grey applied with by splattering the paint from a bristled brush such as a toothbrush) adds a little more interest.

18th C. French Urn held by 3 female Gracies ref: 119/20/21

PrecioDesde 10,40£
Impuesto excluido
  • Always prime metal using a spray metal primer available online in most countries. I use Rust-oleum

    Spray paints: I tend to use platikote and rust-oleum but there are many other brands who sell similar products. In the UK you can pick them up in B&Q but also available in abundance online. The choices are huge but my all time favorite colour is Rust-oleum Hessian. It is a taupe and works well if you are looking for a old heavy brown cream finish. 

    Paints: use almost anything - emulsion (wall paint - sample pots are cheap), acrylic, oils (generally you will get a sheen). Alway use a fine brush and dont apply too much - you can always add layers which look better than clumpy thick layers.

    Make your own paints using then add a binder such as glue or wax.

    Gold and silver: Gold leaf but also gold particles suspended in a medium suitable for painting etc. This is a huge area and so I will offer a few of my favorites:

    • Spray gold - lots of choice online
    • If you plan to use gold leaf or Dutch metal (a cheaper and easier to use alternative) then paint the item red or yellow. This will show through the cracks and add depth. 
    • You will need to use Gold leaf "size" when applying leaf - its a sticky glue that doesnt stop being sticky
    • I like Polyurethane gold - its easy to apply and you can wash brushes in water but its hard to source and will go off after a few years. I buy mine from "Bristol paints" 

     Some links to gold and silver finishes that I would recommend - 

    • Connoissier     
    • for people in the USA:

    Of course you can make your own! Use bronze powder which is available in  silver, gold, brass, bronze etc colours. Add this to wax or a glue so that it has a binder. If there are any salts in the glue then you will see your gold oxidise!


    • I love to use wax on some items as the sheen is soft and it gives a classic patina. 
    • Spray varnish -  polyeurethane can go yellow!
    • Brushed on varnish such as modge podge is great and comes in different sheen levels. 


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